Transforming your marriage!
One Marriage Ends,
The Other Marriage Thrives.
The Difference Is In The Action They Take!
Which Couple Will You Be?
"So You Have Been Actively Trying To Get Pregnant?"
"Put an end to all the Frustration, Stress and Annoyance of family members telling you how to get pregnant!!
... And learn all the little known secrets, hints and tricks of how to conceive"
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You may not believe this but...
> The average egg lives only 24 hours
> Semen is expelled at approximately 10 miles per hour on average from the penis
> Sperm need to travel 7 inches from the cervix through the uterus to the Fallopian tube.
> Once inside, sperm travel at a rate of about 1 inch every 15 minutes.
> The "fastest swimmers" may locate the egg in as little as 45 minutes, while the slowest sperm can take up to half a day.
> If no egg is found at the time of intercourse, the surviving sperm may wait under a "resting phase" for up to 72 hours.
> Despite millions of sperm being released on ejaculation, only a few dozen ever make it to the ovum
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Be consistent: Toddlers learn from repetition.
Be firm: Let them know by your voice and facial expression that you mean what you say.
Be kind: Reassure your toddler after his fits are finished.
Be realistic: Don't put unrealistic demands on your toddler. Time out for an hour, for instance, is too long.
Yell: Toddlers will not understand any better if you yell. It only frightens them.
Plead: This brings you down to their whining level.
Underestimate: If you keep your directions simple, toddlers are able to understand what you want from them at a very early age.