What do you do when your child's in a slump?
The power of praise
Whenever Chloe gets stuck in a crying jag, I try to find something to praise her for. It can be any little move she makes toward calming herself. Then the meltdown is over and she's able to move on with her day. — Kate, mother of Chloe, San Francisco
Get your ya-yas out
Even if I'm busy and trying to get ready for dinner, I stop and announce to Ben that it's time for him to "get his ya-yas out." Now he even uses that term when he's feeling out of sorts. Getting his ya-yas out always cheers him up. — Colleen, mother of Ben, Atlanta, Georgia
Take a good mood car wash
I have her push an invisible button to enter the "good mood car wash," and then I twirl her around, tickle her, and make silly sounds. She's falling over laughing by the time we're done. — Sheila, mother of Charlotte, Westport, Connecticut
Stop and listen
I give him individual attention, play with him, and make sure I'm just there for him. — Elisse, mother of Noah and Aidan, Berkeley, California
Foster a social butterfly
My two sons always seem happier when they're surrounded by a group of family and friends. Some of the times I've seen them happiest are at large family gatherings, when they've had a chance to interact with a lot of people they know and love. — Jim, father of Chris and Alec, San Francisco
Make a pizza
I use the same trick as the dad in William Steig's book Pete's a Pizza. When my daughter's grumpy, I say, "Okay, time to make you into a pizza." I pick her up and knead the dough and toss her in the air, which is really just tickling and gentle roughhousing. Then I sprinkle her with make-believe cheese, tomato sauce, and pepperoni — another good chance for tickling! Then I plop her in a pretend oven (the couch) and presto, her bad mood is over! — Fred, father of Hazel, Burlington, Vermont
Let the air out
When we're driving in the car and my daughter is feeling upset, we roll the windows down all the way, even if it's freezing out and snowing, and then we blow all the "bad" air out of our bodies. She always feels better afterward and so do I! — Chandler, mother of Lily, Monterey, Massachusetts